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Symphony Block of the Month

This is a 13 month, BOM which will be done in 12 months. If you took Tucker Freshman University, you will have all the tools, but there are some new Technique Sheets that are required.

Long arm Free Motion Introduction Class

Tony Ratola will take you from loading to unloading your quilt top as well as lots of practice learning free motion techniques. Tony has been an expert Free Motion Long Armer for years and readily shares all the tips and tricks he has learned over the years. This is the introductory class which must be taken prior to renting time on our Long Arms.

Grids Girls Mystery Sew along and Sit and Sew

If you are participating in the GG mystery sew along this winter, join us Tuesday evening and work out the clues together. 5:30-7:30 on Tuesday nights for 8 weeks. You must go to the Grids Girls Facebook page and sign up (free). Information about the sew along is under files on their website. A new clue is dropped every Tuesday morning

Feb 13
Nine Plus One
Feb 15
Michigan By Laundry Basket Quilts Saturday Class
Feb 15
Long arm Free Motion Introduction Class


  • Palmetto Stitches and Quilts
  • (803)-272-0051
  • 1113 Broad Street
    Camden, SC  29020
  • Hours: 
    • Mon-Fri 10-6
    • SAT 10-5
    • Closed Sunday